
Cottonwood Falls, KS

Cottonwood Falls is a city in the state of kansas with a population of roughly 1,094. It is in Chase, Kansas Its Zip codes include 66845 .

Trends in Home Prices in Cottonwood Falls, KS

Cottonwood Falls is a small town located in the Wichita metropolitan area. The population was just over 10,000 in 2010. Cottonwood Falls is known for its beautiful scenery and quaint shops. The town is also home to several large commercial properties, including a Walmart and a K-Mart. Cottonwood Falls has seen steady growth over the past few years, with new businesses opening and existing businesses expanding their operations.

The real estate market in Cottonwood Falls is currently very strong. There are many homes available for sale, and prices are steadily increasing. Many of the homes in Cottonwood Falls were built in the 1970s and 1980s, but there are still some newer homes available for purchase as well. The median price of a home in Cottonwood Falls was $137,500 in 2016.

There are several factors that contribute to the strong real estate market in Cottonwood Falls. First, the town is located close to major metropolitan areas such as Wichita and Kansas City which makes it easy for people to commute into town or access nearby amenities such as shopping malls or schools. Second, there are many large commercial properties located within the town which generate a lot of traffic and demand for housing units. Finally, Cottonwood Falls has been growing rapidly over the past few years which has led to an increase in demand for housing units overall

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