
Fort Riley, KS

Fort Riley is a city in the state of kansas with a population of roughly 16,121. It is in Riley County, Kansas the Manhattan, KS core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Manhattan-Junction City, KS combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 66442 .

Trends in Home Prices in Fort Riley, KS

Fort Riley is a military installation located in the U.S. state of Kansas. It covers an area of 1,827 square miles (4,924 km2), and as of the 2010 census had a population of 26,711 people. The installation is home to the United States Army's 10th Mountain Division and 1st Cavalry Division. Fort Riley is also home to the Kansas National Guard's 159th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 161st Field Artillery Regiment.

The land that now makes up Fort Riley was first settled by Native Americans over 10,000 years ago. In 1854, General Winfield Scott established a military post on the site to protect travelers on the Santa Fe Trail from hostile Indians. The post was renamed Fort Riley in honor of General Philip Sheridan who helped defeat Confederate forces at nearby Chickamauga Creek in 1863 during the American Civil War.

In 1917, during World War I, Camp Funston was established adjacent to Fort Riley as an training ground for soldiers preparing for deployment overseas in Europe or Asia. Camp Funston closed in 1919 and its buildings were used by Fort Riley until 1924 when construction began on what would become known as "The Wall". The Wall was a series of eight concentric rings of fortifications built around the post to protect it from attack from all directions. It was completed in 1927 and remains one of Fort Riley's most visible landmarks today.

During World War II, Fort Riley played an important role in training soldiers for combat overseas by providing them with intensive instruction in infantry tactics and weapons use. In addition, it served as headquarters for both Allied and Axis forces fighting in North Africa and Europe during the war years. After World War II ended, Camp Carson was established adjacent to Fort Riley as part of President Harry S Truman's "Military Establishment Project" which aimed at reducing America's postwar military footprint by consolidating multiple bases into fewer locations throughout the country. However, this plan failed due to opposition from members of Congress who saw Camp Carson as a threat to their own constituents living near Ft Riley who would be forced out if their base were closed down

In 1951-52 construction began on what would become known as "The Village", which consisted of residential areas for soldiers stationed at Fort Riley along with stores, schools, churches and other facilities necessary for their everyday lives while stationed there In 1959-60 construction began on what would become known as "The Post", which consists of administrative offices housing both civilian personnel working for Army Corps Of Engineers (ACE) contractors performing maintenance work on behalf of Ft Riley Soldiers assigned there Today The Post includes barracks housing both active duty troops assigned here along with retired military personnel residing within Ft Riley boundaries Additionally The Village contains numerous commercial establishments catering to Ft Riley Soldiers' needs such as grocery stores pharmacies gas stations restaurants etc Lastly there are several recreational facilities available including an 18-hole golf course baseball diamond soccer fields basketball courts etc All together these various elements make up what is commonly referred to within Ft Riley circles simply " Fort Rileys" environment

Real estate within Ft Riley can be classified into two main categories: leased property owned by either Army Corps Of Engineers (ACE) contractors or privately owned real estate located outside Ft Riley boundaries but still subject to Military Police jurisdiction . Leased property includes everything from small apartments inside The Village all the way up to large tracts of land zoned specifically for commercial development . Outside Ft Riley boundaries but still subject Military Police jurisdiction , real estate includes anything from single family homes located near major highways close enought t o be accessible without having ti travel through gates controlled by MP s , t o large tracts zoned specifically fo r commercial development remote enough t o avoid any potential conflicts with local residents . As you might expect given its location within one fo th th e largest U S Military installations , real estate prices inside ft rile y are considerably higher than those found outside ft rile y limits . This has led some people t o refer t o ft rile y based real estate transactions generically a s "military marketin g" even though such transactions typically do not involve servicemen actively serving i n th eir assigned battalions or companies

One reason why real estate prices inside ft rilee are higher than those found outside ft Rilee limits may b e attributed t o tha fact that servicemen have more expendable income than civilians due t o allowances provided them b y th e Department Of Defense (DoD) whic h allow s them t o purchase larger homes closert ot hte installation perimeter wit hout having ti pay additional rent or mortgage payments . Additionally servicemen receive generous benefits such as free utilities allowance parking permits etc whic h give them an extra financial incentive togeth er wit h friends or family members interested i n purchasing property near fort RIley

Price Index: Manhattan, KS

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