
Quinter, KS

Quinter is a city in the state of kansas with a population of roughly 1,399. It is in Gove, Kansas Its Zip codes include 67752 .

Trends in Home Prices in Quinter, KS

Real estate in Quinter, KS is a hot commodity. With the recent influx of people moving to the area, there has been an increase in demand for homes and apartments. The Quinter market is strong and there are manyoptions for buyers.

The Quinter market is made up of a variety of housing types and price ranges. There are starter homes as well as larger properties available in the area. Prices for single family homes start around $130,000 and go up to over $1 million for some of the more luxurious properties on the market. Apartment complexes also abound in Quinter with prices starting at around $600 per month.

The Quinter real estate market is growing rapidly due to its many amenities and proximity to Kansas City, Missouri. The town offers residents access to both cities without having to drive long distances. There are plenty of shopping options available as well as restaurants and businesses that cater to locals and visitors alike.

If you're looking for a place to call home or an investment property, the Quinter real estate market is definitely worth investigating!

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