
Satanta, KS

Satanta is a city in the state of kansas with a population of roughly 1,412. It is in Haskell, Kansas Its Zip codes include 67870 .

Trends in Home Prices in Satanta, KS

Satanta is a small town located in the northeastern corner of Kansas. The population was just over 1,000 people as of the 2010 census. Satanta is home to several businesses and industries, including a grain elevator, a printing plant, and a trucking company. The town's main source of income comes from real estate.

The real estate market in Satanta is very competitive. There are many homes for sale in the town, and buyers have to be prepared to spend a lot of money on properties. The average price for an apartment or house in Satanta is around $100,000. However, there are some properties available for sale that cost much more than that. One house that was recently listed for sale had an asking price of $1 million!

Despite the high prices involved in buying property in Satanta, there are still plenty of opportunities for people who want to buy property here. There are many different types of properties available, including single-family homes, apartments, and condos. And because the town is so small, it's easy to find everything you need within walking distance.

If you're interested in buying property in Satanta, be sure to contact one of the local real estate agents today! They can help you find the perfect home or apartment for your needs and budget."

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