
Burkesville, KY

Burkesville is a city in the state of kentucky with a population of roughly 6,611. It is in Cumberland, Kentucky Its Zip codes include 42717 .

The Price of Home in Burkeville, Kentucky

Real estate in Burkesville, KY is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 2,000 people, the town has seen an influx of new residents in recent years. This has led to an increase in demand for homes and apartments, as well as commercial properties.

The median home price in Burkesville was $119,900 in 2017. This is significantly higher than the statewide median home price of $76,500. The town's popularity as a bedroom community has also contributed to its high prices. There are currently no homes available for sale below $100,000 in Burkesville.

The availability of jobs and amenities have also helped drive up real estate prices in Burkesville. The town is located close to both Louisville and Lexington, which are major metropolitan areas with a large number of job opportunities. Additionally, the town has a number of businesses and restaurants that cater to residents and visitors alike.

Despite the high prices associated with real estate in Burkesville, there are still some affordable options available if you're looking for a home or apartment. The average price per square foot for residential properties was $130 in 2017, which is lower than the statewide average of $157 per square foot. Commercial properties also tend to be cheaper than similar properties elsewhere in Kentucky due to the smaller size of the market here.

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