
David, KY

David is a city in the state of kentucky with a population of roughly 486. It is in Floyd, Kentucky Its Zip codes include 41616 .

Trends in Home Prices in David, KY

David, Kentucky is a small town located in the Appalachian Mountains. The town was founded in 1819 and has a population of just over 2,000 people. The economy of David is based largely on agriculture and tourism.

Real estate in David is dominated by small family-owned businesses. There are only a handful of large commercial properties in the town, most of which are owned by chains or franchises. The real estate market in David is very competitive, with prices for homes and land generally falling within a few percent of each other.

The average price for a home in David is $130,000. The median price for land is $25,000 per acre. There are currently only six homes available for sale in the town, but demand has been increasing recently as more people move to David to escape the high cost of living in larger cities.

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