
Stanton, KY

Stanton is a city in the state of kentucky with a population of roughly 6,898. It is in Powell, Kentucky Its Zip codes include 40380 .

The Changing Face of Stanton: Trends in Home Prices

Stanton, Kentucky is a small town located in the Appalachian Mountains. The population of Stanton is just over 2,000 people and it has a median household income of just over $40,000. The majority of the residents are white and there are very few minorities living in Stanton.

The real estate market in Stanton is very competitive and homes typically sell quickly. In recent years, the average home price has increased by over 20%. Many people in Stanton are looking to buy a home because they believe that the prices will continue to increase in the future.

There are a number of reasons why the real estate market in Stanton is so competitive. First, there is limited inventory available for sale. Second, many people who want to buy a home in Stanton have to compete with investors who are willing to pay high prices for properties. Finally, many people in Stanton are not able to afford to purchase a home on their own so they have to rely on help from family or friends.

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