
Jonesboro, LA

Jonesboro is a city in the state of louisiana with a population of roughly 8,957. It is in Jackson, Louisiana Its Zip codes include 71251 .

Investigating the Trends of Home Prices in Jonesboro, Louisiana

When considering real estate in Jonesboro, LA, it is important to understand the city's history and demographics. Jonesboro was founded in 1836 and became a town in 1841. It was incorporated as a city in 1902. The population of Jonesboro was 38,868 at the 2010 census.

Real estate in Jonesboro is primarily made up of single-family homes and apartments. The median home price was $128,500 in January 2017. The most common type of housing is single-family homes, which make up 66% of all housing units. Apartment complexes make up 26% of all housing units and condos make up 2%.

The majority of residents (64%) are white, while 28% are black and 3% are Hispanic or Latino. The average age is 36 years old. There are a total of 8,527 households out of which 33% have children under the age of 18 living with them, 54% have adults living with them who are not their children, and 16% have children living alone who are not adults. The average household size is 2.5 people

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