
Rayville, LA

Rayville is a city in the state of louisiana with a population of roughly 12,586. It is in Richland, Louisiana Its Zip codes include 71269 .

The Rise and Fall of Rayville's Home Prices

Rayville is a small town located in the northwest corner of Louisiana. The population was just over 2,000 people in 2010. Rayville is a farming community that has seen its share of growth over the years as it has become an agricultural center for the surrounding area. The town's economy is based largely on agriculture and tourism.

Real estate in Rayville is dominated by farms and ranches, with a few small businesses mixed in. There are a limited number of homes available for sale, and most of them are occupied by local families. The median home price in Rayville was just under $100,000 in 2016.

The real estate market in Rayville is stable and there has been little to no change over the past few years. Most homes are sold within a few months of being listed, and there have been very few foreclosures or short sales reported during that time period.

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