
Frederick, MD

Frederick is a city in the state of maryland with a population of roughly 133,195. It is in Frederick County, Maryland the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 21701 ,21705 .

Trends in Home Prices in Frederick, MD

Frederick, MD is a city located in the U.S. state of Maryland and is the county seat of Frederick County. With a population of just over 100,000 people, it is one of the smaller cities in Maryland. The city's economy is largely based on its role as a suburb of Washington, D.C., with many federal government employees living in Frederick and commuting to work. However, there has been recent growth in the city's commercial and industrial sectors as well.

Real estate in Frederick tends to be expensive compared to other parts of Maryland, but this may be due more to location than anything else. The city is located just outside of Washington D.C., which means that it has high demand for housing and office space from federal government employees who can afford to live there or commute from elsewhere in Maryland or Virginia. Additionally, Frederick has good public transportation options and is close to major highways that make it easy to get around town.

Despite being expensive, real estate in Frederick does have some good deals available if you are willing to look for them. For example, some homes that are considered "suburban" by most standards can be found for under $200,000 if you are willing to look hard enough. Additionally, many older homes that are not ideal for modern living can be had for less than $100,000 if you are willing to do some renovations yourself or take advantage of low-interest financing programs available through banks or credit unions.

Price Index: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (MSAD)

Zip codes in Frederick


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