
Deerton, MI

Deerton is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 178. It is in Alger, Michigan Its Zip codes include 49822 .

Trends in Home Prices in Deerton, Michigan

Real estate in Deerton, MI is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 2,000 people, the town is growing quickly and there is plenty of opportunity for real estate investors. The town is located in Livingston County just north of Grand Rapids and has easy access to both highways and major cities.

The most popular type of real estate in Deerton right now is single-family homes. There are a number of properties available that are perfect for families looking for a home close to everything but with plenty of privacy. There are also some great options for investors looking for properties that can be flipped quickly or rented out at high rates.

If you're interested in investing in Deerton real estate, there are a few things you should keep in mind: the town is growing rapidly and prices are rising quickly; it's important to do your research before making any decisions; and it's always best to have professional help when buying or selling property.

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