Hope is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 2,281. It is in Midland County, Michigan the Midland, MI core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Saginaw-Midland-Bay City, MI combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 48628 .
Real estate in Hope, MI is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 10,000 people, the town is growing rapidly and there is plenty of opportunity for real estate investors. The town is located in the heart of Michigan's Thumb region and has access to major highways and airports. There are also a number of businesses and industries that are based in Hope, making it an ideal location for businesses looking to expand their operations.
The real estate market in Hope is healthy and there are many homes available for sale. The median home price in the town was $161,500 as of May 2017. The average list price for homes currently on the market is $179,900. Demand for homes in Hope has been high and there have been several offers on every single home that has come up for sale since January 2017.
One reason why real estate prices have been so high in Hope is because of the low unemployment rate in the area. As of May 2017, the unemployment rate was just 2%. This low unemployment rate makes it easier for people to afford homes and also makes it more likely that people will be able to find a job that matches their qualifications after they move to Hope.
Another reason why real estate prices have been so high in Hope is because there are many new residents moving into the town every month. The population growth rate in Hope was 5% between 2015 and 2016 which means that there are plenty of new potential homebuyers who are looking to invest in property here.
Overall, real estate prices have been increasing rapidly in Hopeandthereisnoguaranteethattheywillcontinueto do soforafurtherperiodoftime However, if you're interestedininvestinginhomesinthetownyou'llneedtobe preparedtocounterthehighcostsoflivinghereandyou'llalsoneedtobelievethattherearemanygoodopportunitiesforrealestateinvestmentinthetownifyouknowwhathowtofindthem
Price Index: Midland, MI