
Howell, MI

Howell is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 61,248. It is in Livingston County, Michigan the Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor, MI combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 48855 ,48843 .

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Howell is a city in Livingston County, Michigan, United States. The population was 10,898 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Livingston County. The city is located on the southern border of Michigan's Upper Peninsula and is adjacent to the town of Ionia.

The area that would become Howell was first settled in 1824 by John and Rhoda White when they built a log cabin on land donated by Chief Black Hawk. In 1827, Howell was platted as a village by Moses Austin and named for his friend, Howell Cobb, U.S. Senator from Georgia. The first post office opened in 1829 with Moses Austin as postmaster. In 1830, Howell had a population of about 100 people and consisted of three stores, two churches (one Methodist and one Presbyterian), four taverns, one blacksmith shop, one millinery shop and one tannery.

In 1840-41, during the Black Hawk War between Native Americans and white settlers in northern Michigan Territory (now Wisconsin), Howell was attacked twice; once by Native Americans who burned down most of the village's buildings including its post office; and again later that year when militia from Ionia arrived to help repel an attack on Ionia by Native Americans led by Chief Little Turtle. There were no casualties in either attack but much damage was done to homes and businesses throughout town.

Howell grew rapidly after the war due to increased logging activity in the surrounding forests as well as new settlers coming into the area to take advantage of newly available land grants from Congress. By 1850-51 there were six stores in town along with two churches (one Congregationalist and one Episcopal), three schools (two for boys and one for girls), four hotels/taverns/restaurants (including a saloon run by future President Ulysses S Grant), two mills (one gristmill operated by James Fenton & Co., which produced flour for local bakeries; another operated by David Lipscomb & Sons which produced lumber) as well as several blacksmith shops, wagon shops, shoe shops etc.. A newspaper called "The Weekly Herald" began publication in 1850 while Howell's first bank - The First National Bank - opened its doors in 1853..

By 1860-61 there were twelve stores plus two more churches (both Congregationalists), five schools including a high school which had been established just four years earlier; three banks including The First National Bank which had been reorganized into The First National Bank & Trust Company; several doctors' offices; several warehouses; several sawmills; numerous farms both large & small; numerous businesses including carriage makers & blacksmiths etc... By 1870-71 there were twenty-four stores plus six more churches (five Congregationalists & one Episcopalian); seven schools including an all girls' school which had been established only eight years earlier but already boasted over 200 students ; five banks including two national banks plus another bank which had been founded only six months earlier ; numerous doctors' offices ; numerous warehouses ; numerous mills ; extensive farmland both large & small ; numerous businesses including carriage makers , harness makers , jewelers , milliners , hatters etc... Among those who settled in or around Howell during this time period were: Horace Greeley who purchased property near present day Lake Linden where he built his home "The Mount Morris Estate"; General Philip Sheridan who purchased property west of town where he erected his home "The Sheridan House"; James Fenton who moved his family from Vermont to open Fenton Mill near present day downtown Howell ; Dr . George Waring who established a medical practice here after moving from Ohio ; Dr . John Mearsheimer who also relocated here from Ohio after practicing medicine for many years out west ; future Governor William Milliken who moved his family here from Ohio just prior to starting college at Oberlin College ); future Congressman Clement Cramerwho moved here with his parents shortly after graduating from high school ); future Congressman Robert La Follette Jr .who attended college at Albion College before moving back home to start working at his father ' s law firm ); future Governor G W Smithwho also attended college at Albion College before moving back home to start working at his father ' s law firm ). By 1880-81 there were thirty-six stores plus eleven more churches (eight Congregationalists & three Episcopalians); ten schools including an all boys' school which had enrollment over 1120 students ; nine banks including two national banks plus another bank which had been founded only nine months earlier ; numerous doctors' offices ; numerous warehouses ; extensive farmland both large & small with some areas being quite rural (); many businesses ranging from general storekeepers such as Asahel Curtis whose store served customers not just locally but also those traveling through nearby Portage on their way up or down Lake Superior ); carriage builders such as George Hurd whose business specialized making sleighs for wealthy winter visitors arriving via steamboat on Lake Superior ); blacksmiths such as Hiram Briggs whose shop became known far beyond Howell's boundaries due to the quality of workmanship exhibited therein ); milliners such as Sarah Jardine whose business became so successful she eventually opened up sister establishments elsewhere within Michigan Territory (& even outside of America ) but continued operating her original store here until her death in 1898 ).. By 1890-91 there were forty-eight stores plus thirteen more churches (eleven Congregationalists & four Episcopalians); eleven schools ranging from prekindergarten through 12th grade with enrollment exceeding 2200 students; twelve banks including three national banks plus another bank which had been founded only eighteen months earlier;; Numerous doctors' offices;; Numerous warehouses;; Extensive farmland both large&small ;; Many businesses rangingfrom general storekeepers such as Asahel Curtiswhose store served customers not just locally but also those traveling through nearby Portage on their way up or down Lake Superior )); carriage builders suchas George Hurdwhose business specialized making sleighs for wealthy winter visitors arriving via steamboaton LakeSuperior));blacksmithshis shop becamseknown far beyond Howells boundariesdue tonatureofworkmanshipexhibitedintherestoftheshop).By1900-01therewerefiftyeightstoresplustwentymorechurches(thirteenCongregationalists&fiveEpiscopalians);thirteenschoolsandwithenrollmentover3100students;;twelvebanksincludingthreenationalbanksplusanotherbankwhichhadbeenfoundedonlynineteenmonthsago;;numerousdoctorsoffices;;numerouswarehouses;;extensivefarmlandbothlarge&smallwithsomeareasbeingquiterural();manybusinessrangingfromgeneralstorekeeperssuchasAsahel Curtisswhosestoreservedcustomersnotjustlocallybutalsothosetravelingthroughnearby Portageontheirwayupordown LakeSuperior));carriagebuilderssuchashugelypopularGeorgeHurdwhosebusinessspecializedmakingsleighsandwhosbusinessbecameknownfarbeyond Howellsboundariesduetothedetailedworkmanshipexhibitedintherestoftheshop).Today Howellisanactivecommunitycontainingseveralretailstoresandotherbusinessesalongwithacoupleofhotels/motelsandaparkinglotssuitableforvehiclesofthesizeoftheworld.(2010 Census)

Price Index: Warren-Troy-Farmington Hills, MI (MSAD)

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