
Ironwood, MI

Ironwood is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 7,483. It is in Gogebic, Michigan Its Zip codes include 49938 .

Trends in Home Prices in Ironwood, Michigan

Ironwood is a small town located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The population is just over 10,000 people and the median household income is just over $50,000. The town was founded in 1885 and has been an important part of the economy ever since.

The primary industry in Ironwood is manufacturing, but there are also a number of businesses that provide services to the local community. These include restaurants, banks, and retail stores. There are also a number of residential properties available for sale in Ironwood.

Real estate prices in Ironwood are relatively high compared to other areas of Michigan. This is likely due to the fact that there are a limited number of homes available for sale and the demand from buyers is high. There are also a number of luxury homes available for sale in Ironwood, which can increase the price tag on these properties significantly.

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