
Kearsarge, MI

Kearsarge is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 368. It is in Houghton County, Michigan the Houghton, MI core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 49942 .

Trends in Home Prices in Kearsarge, Michigan

Kearsarge is a small town located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The population of Kearsarge was just over 1,000 people as of the 2010 census. The economy of Kearsarge is largely based on agriculture and tourism. There are a few businesses that provide services to the local residents, but the majority of the economy is based on agriculture and tourism.

The real estate market in Kearsarge is very competitive. There are a limited number of homes available for sale, and most homes are sold within a few weeks or months after they are listed. The average price for a home in Kearsarge is $130,000. The median price for a home in Kearsarge is $130,000. The prices for homes in Kearsarge vary significantly depending on the location and condition of the home.

The most popular type of real estate in Kearsarge is single-family homes. There are only a few multi-family homes available for sale, and these homes typically sell for much less than single-family homes do. Single-family homes typically sell for between $100,000 and $200,000, while multi-family homes typically sell for between $50,000 and $100,000.

The main reason why there are so few multi-family homes available for sale in Kearsarge is because they tend to be more expensive to build than single-family homes are. Multi-family housing tends to require more land than single-family housing does, which means that it can be more expensive to purchase an existing multi-unit building than it can be to purchase an existing single-unit building.

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