
McMillan, MI

McMillan is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 1,141. It is in Luce, Michigan Its Zip codes include 49853 .

Trends in Home Prices in McMillan, Michigan

McMillan is a small town located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The population is just over 1,000 people and there are only a handful of businesses in the town. McMillan is known for its natural resources, including its forests, lakes, and rivers.

Real estate in McMillan is dominated by single-family homes. The majority of these homes were built in the 1950s and 1960s, but there are a few newer homes scattered throughout the town. The average price for a home in McMillan is $130,000.

The main industry in McMillan is tourism. The town has several attractions that draw visitors from around the state and country. These attractions include Lake Superior State Park, which offers camping and fishing opportunities; Whitefish Point Lighthouse; and Pine River Falls State Park, which offers hiking trails and a beautiful waterfall.

Despite being a small town with limited job opportunities, McMillan has managed to maintain its own character over the years. The residents are friendly and welcoming, and they enjoy spending time together outside of work or school activities.

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