
Norvell, MI

Norvell is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 65. It is in Jackson County, Michigan the Jackson, MI core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 49263 .

Norvell Home Prices: Trends and Forecast

Norvell is a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It has a population of just over 1,000 people and is located about an hour north of Marquette. Norvell is best known for its logging industry, which was once one of the largest in the state. However, today Norvell is a thriving community with a variety of businesses and services available.

Real estate in Norvell is dominated by single-family homes and small apartment complexes. The town's main commercial area consists of a few small businesses and a post office. There are no major shopping centers or malls in Norvell, but there are several smaller stores that offer everything from groceries to clothes to hardware supplies.

The real estate market in Norvell is stable and moderately priced compared to other areas of Michigan. The average home price in Norvell was $119,000 as of 2016, which is about $30,000 less than the statewide average price. The median home size in Norvell is also smaller than the statewide average at just under 1,500 square feet. This makes Norvelle more affordable for first-time homebuyers and families who want a smaller footprint on their property than larger towns or cities may offer.

One important factor to consider when buying or selling real estate in Norvell is access to transportation. The town is located about an hour north of Marquette, which makes it easy for buyers and sellers to get around without having to rely on public transportation or driving long distances. Additionally, there are several small airports located within an hour's drive from Norvelle that make flying into town easy if you're looking to buy or sell property outside the local area

Price Index: Jackson, MI

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