
Ontonagon, MI

Ontonagon is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 2,329. It is in Ontonagon, Michigan Its Zip codes include 49953 .

The Cost of Living in Ontonagon, Michigan

The real estate market in Ontonagon, Michigan is constantly changing. With a population of just over 2,000 people, the market is small and competitive. There are a limited number of homes for sale, and buyers have to be quick to find what they’re looking for.

Ontonagon has a lot to offer potential homebuyers. The town is located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, which means it’s surrounded by beautiful scenery and wildlife. There are also plenty of outdoor activities available nearby, such as hiking and fishing.

Ontonagon also has a strong economy. The town is home to several businesses that provide jobs for residents, including a paper mill and an aluminum plant. This means there’s always demand for housing in Ontonagon.

The cost of living in Ontonagon is relatively low compared to other cities in the U.S.. This makes it an affordable option for people who want to live in a rural area without having to sacrifice too much quality of life.

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