
Rhodes, MI

Rhodes is a city in the state of michigan with a population of roughly 1,647. It is in Gladwin, Michigan Its Zip codes include 48652 .

Rhodes Home Prices: Trends and Forecasts

Rhodes is a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with a population of just over 2,000 people. It is located in the eastern part of the state, about an hour's drive from both Detroit and Lansing. The town was founded in 1836 and was originally named " Rockwood". It was renamed Rhodes in 1853 after John D. Rockefeller, who had purchased land in the area.

The economy of Rhodes is based largely on agriculture and tourism. The town has a few small businesses, but most residents are employed by nearby farms or by the local school district. There is also a small manufacturing sector, based primarily on furniture production. Tourism is important to Rhodes because it provides jobs for residents and income for the town's businesses. The main attractions in Rhodes are its historic buildings and its beautiful lakeshore location.

Real estate in Rhodes is dominated by single-family homes and duplexes. There are also a few apartments available, but most housing is owner-occupied. The average price for a home in Rhodes is $115,000; however, prices can vary significantly depending on location and condition. Properties that are newer or larger tend to be more expensive than those that are older or smaller; however, there are plenty of affordable homes available as well.

Rhodes has excellent schools; all students attend public schools within the town boundaries. The school district has been rated as excellent by both the state government and by independent evaluators alike. There are also several private schools available to families who want to send their children to schools that better match their own personal beliefs or preferences

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