
Erhard, MN

Erhard is a city in the state of minnesota with a population of roughly 1,291. It is in Otter Tail County, Minnesota the Fergus Falls, MN core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 56534 .

The Changing Face of Home Prices in Erhard, Minnesota

Real estate in Erhard, Minnesota is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 1,000 people, the town has seen an influx of new residents in recent years due to its close proximity to Minneapolis and Saint Paul. This has led to increased demand for housing and property, which has driven up prices significantly.

The average price of a home in Erhard currently stands at $269,000. This is well above the state average of $183,500 and even higher than the national average of $224,900. The high prices are likely due to the fact that Erhard is located in one of the most desirable areas in Minnesota. It is only 20 minutes from downtown Minneapolis and 30 minutes from downtown Saint Paul. Additionally, there are plenty of amenities available nearby, including shopping malls and restaurants.

Despite the high prices, there are still plenty of homes available for sale in Erhard. The town has a population density of just 2 people per square mile which makes it an ideal place to live if you are looking for space. There are also a number of subdivisions available that cater to different needs and budgets. If you are looking for something more affordable but still want access to all the amenities that Erhard has to offer, you may want to consider looking into purchasing a home through foreclosure or short sale proceedings.

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