
Gulfport, MS

Gulfport is a city in the state of mississippi with a population of roughly 95,592. It is in Harrison County, Mississippi the Gulfport-Biloxi-Pascagoula, MS core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 39507 ,39501 .

Trends in Home Prices in Gulfport, Mississippi

Real estate in Gulfport, MS is a hot commodity. The city has seen an influx of people in recent years, and with that comes an increased demand for housing. There are a number of factors contributing to this trend, including the growth of the healthcare industry in the area and the increasing popularity of Gulfport as a tourist destination.

One of the most important aspects of real estate in Gulfport is location. The city is situated on the Mississippi River, which makes it an ideal spot for businesses and residents alike. Additionally, Gulfport is close to several major cities, including Jackson and Biloxi, which makes it easy for residents to get around.

The real estate market in Gulfport is highly competitive. There are a number of factors that contribute to this competition, including the fact that there are a lot of homes available and buyers have plenty of options when it comes to selecting a home. In addition, many homebuyers in Gulfport are interested in investing rather than purchasing outright; this means that they're willing to pay more for a property than someone who just wants to buy a house without having to worry about maintenance or repairs.

Overall, real estate in Gulfport is very popular and there's always room for more buyers and sellers alike. If you're looking for somewhere new to call home, be sure to check out the real estate market in Gulfport!

Price Index: Gulfport-Biloxi, MS

Zip codes in Gulfport


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