
Hermann, MO

Hermann is a city in the state of missouri with a population of roughly 5,429. It is in Gasconade, Missouri Its Zip codes include 65041 .

The Price of Home in Hermann, Missouri

Hermann is a small town located in the southwest corner of Missouri. The population was just over 2,000 in 2010. Hermann is known for its antique shops and its proximity to the Ozarks. The town's economy is based largely on agriculture and tourism.

Real estate in Hermann is dominated by single-family homes and duplexes. There are also a few apartment complexes, but they are relatively rare. The median price for a single-family home was $119,900 in 2016, while the median price for a duplex was $60,000. The average price per square foot for single-family homes was $109 in 2016.

The majority of real estate activity in Hermann occurs during the summer months when tourists come to visit the area. However, there is significant activity throughout the year as well. In 2016, there were 1,811 transactions recorded which represented an average of 3 transactions per day.

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