
Wymore, NE

Wymore is a city in the state of nebraska with a population of roughly 1,873. It is in Gage County, Nebraska the Beatrice, NE core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Lincoln-Beatrice, NE combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 68466 .

The Price of Home in Wymore, NE

Real estate in Wymore, Nebraska is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 1,000 people, Wymore is a small town that has seen an influx of new residents in recent years. This has led to an increase in the demand for real estate in the town.

The average price of a home in Wymore is $135,000. This is higher than the statewide average of $128,500 but lower than the national average of $174,900. The median home value in Wymore is also higher than the statewide and national averages but lower than the citywide median value of $158,500.

There are currently nine homes for sale in Wymore and six homes are available for rent. The majority (six) of homes for sale are single-family dwellings while one home is available as a duplex and one home is available as an apartment complex with four units. There are no condos or apartments available for rent in Wymore at this time.

The top three reasons people are buying homes in Wymore are affordability, proximity to amenities and quality of life factors. The top three reasons people are renting homes in Wymore are affordability, proximity to amenities and quality of life factors.

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