
Garita, NM

Garita is a city in the state of new-mexico with a population of roughly 0. It is in San Miguel County, New Mexico the Las Vegas, NM core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Albuquerque-Santa Fe-Las Vegas, NM combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 88421 .

Price Trends in Garita, NM

Real estate in Garita, NM is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 2,000 people, the town has seen an influx of new residents in recent years as the area has become more popular for its natural beauty and proximity to Albuquerque. There are currently six active real estate agents in town, and demand is high for both single-family homes and apartments.

The average home price in Garita is $269,000, which is significantly higher than the statewide average of $147,500. The median household income in the town is also much higher than the statewide average of $51,917. This indicates that there are a lot of affluent residents living in Garita who are looking to invest in property here.

One reason why real estate prices are so high in Garita is because there are only a limited number of homes available for sale. In fact, according to Zillow data, only 3% of all homes for sale across New Mexico are located in Garita. This means that buyers have a lot of competition when trying to purchase property here.

However, despite the high demand for housing stock and tight supply situation, there have been no reports of any major bidding wars or scandals involving real estate agents or homeowners within the town so far. This suggests that things may still be relatively calm and stable within the community when it comes to real estate dealings.

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