
Kirtland, NM

Kirtland is a city in the state of new-mexico with a population of roughly 5,704. It is in San Juan County, New Mexico the Farmington, NM core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 87417 .

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Kirtland is a small town located in the southeastern corner of New Mexico. The population was just over 1,000 in the 2010 census, making it one of the smaller towns in the state. Kirtland is located on U.S. Route 60, about halfway between Albuquerque and Las Cruces.

The town was founded in 1837 by Joseph Smith and his followers as a religious community called Zion. The Mormons were persecuted throughout their history, and Kirtland was no exception. In 1838, mobs burned down the original temple and forced Smith and his followers to flee to Missouri. They returned to Kirtland in 1839, only to be driven out again by a mob led by Governor Boggs in 1841. Smith moved his followers to Nauvoo, Illinois where they established what would become one of the largest Mormon settlements ever built.

Kirtland experienced a revival during the early days of Mormonism under Brigham Young, who led several successful missionary campaigns into New Mexico Territory. In 1881, Young designated Kirtland as the headquarters for all Mormon operations in southern Utah and Arizona Territory (now part of Nevada). However, Young's death two years later resulted in a power struggle within the church leadership that eventually led to Utah's separation from the rest of LDS Church hierarchy and its establishment as an independent state in 1896.

Today there is little evidence that Kirtland ever functioned as a major religious center or played any significant role in Mormon history outside of southwestern New Mexico. The town has seen modest growth over recent decades due largely to its proximity to Albuquerque (the largest city in New Mexico) and Las Cruces (a growing regional center). There are currently no major businesses or industries based in Kirtland; most residents commute to work elsewhere within New Mexico or across state lines into Arizona or Nevada. Tourism is also an important part of the local economy with visitors coming primarily for historical reasons related to Mormonism or Joseph Smith himself

Price Index: Farmington, NM

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