
Davenport, NY

Davenport is a city in the state of new-york with a population of roughly 918. It is in Delaware, New York Its Zip codes include 13750 .

Trends in Home Prices in Davenport, NY

Real estate in Davenport, NY is a hot commodity. The city has a population of just over 100,000 people and is located just east of the city of Rochester. The area has a number of advantages for those looking to buy or sell property.

First and foremost, Davenport is located in the middle of a number of major metropolitan areas. This means that there are plenty of potential buyers and sellers in the area, as well as plenty of potential investment opportunities. Additionally, the city has been experiencing steady growth over the past few years, which means that there are more homes available than ever before.

Another advantage to real estate in Davenport is its proximity to both Rochester and Buffalo. This makes it easy for buyers and sellers to access a variety of different markets and find what they’re looking for. Finally, Davenport is home to several universities – including Eastman School of Music – which can help boost demand for properties near these institutions.

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