
Indian Lake, NY

Indian Lake is a city in the state of new-york with a population of roughly 797. It is in Hamilton, New York Its Zip codes include 12842 .

Trends in Home Prices in Indian Lake, NY

Real estate in Indian Lake, NY is a hot commodity. The area has a population of just over 2,000 people and is located in the town of Indian Lake. The median home price in the town is $269,900 and there are currently 102 homes for sale. The average commute time to work is just under 25 minutes.

The main attractions in Indian Lake include the lake itself, which offers swimming, boating, fishing and more; as well as the numerous hiking trails that can be found throughout the area. There are also several businesses located in the town including a grocery store, gas station and bakery.

Indian Lake is a great place to live if you're looking for peace and quiet. It's also close to many major cities including Rochester, Syracuse and Ithaca.

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