
Bryan, OH

Bryan is a city in the state of ohio with a population of roughly 14,088. It is in Williams, Ohio Its Zip codes include 43506 .

Trends in Home Prices in Bryan, OH

Bryan, Ohio is a small town located in the heart of Northwest Ohio. The population of Bryan was just over 10,000 as of the 2010 census. Bryan is home to many businesses and industries including agriculture, automotive manufacturing, and education.

Real estate in Bryan is very popular due to its close proximity to Cleveland and Toledo. Many people commute to these larger cities for work or school, but want to live in a smaller town with plenty of amenities. Bryan has many beautiful homes that are perfect for families or individuals who want to be close to everything but still have their own space. There are also many properties available for purchase or lease that would be perfect for those who want to invest in the area or simply move closer to family and friends.

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