
Lakeview, OH

Lakeview is a city in the state of ohio with a population of roughly 4,446. It is in Logan County, Ohio the Bellefontaine, OH core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Columbus-Marion-Zanesville, OH combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 43331 .

The Price of Home in Lakeview, OH

Lakeview is a small town located in Northwest Ohio. The population of Lakeview was just over 2,000 people in the 2010 census. The median household income was just over $60,000 and the unemployment rate was just under 3%.

The real estate market in Lakeview is very competitive. There are a limited number of homes available for sale and most of them are quickly snapped up. In recent years, the average home price has increased by about 10%.

There are a number of reasons why the real estate market in Lakeview is so competitive. First, there is a limited supply of homes available for sale. Second, many people who live in Lakeview are looking for homes that are within walking distance to local businesses and attractions. Third, many people who live in Lakeview want to live close to family members or friends. Fourth, many people who live in Lakeview want to live near beautiful lakes or rivers. Fifth, many people who live in Lakeview want to be close to major highways so they can easily get into Cleveland or other nearby cities. Sixth, many people who live in Lakeview want to be close to good schools for their children. Seventh, many people who live in Lakeview want comfortable homes that they can afford without having to spend a lot of money on repairs or renovations every year. Eighth, many people who live in Lakeview want properties that have been well-maintained over the years by previous owners. Ninth, and finally, many people who live in Lakeviews like properties that have character - properties that have been updated but still look like they've been around for awhile rather than properties that look brand new but have been recently renovated (which often means they're more expensive).

Despite all these factors working against buyers looking at homes outside of their normal area or price range, there continue to be sellers willing and able to sell their homes at above-average prices given the current market conditions

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