
McDonald, OH

McDonald is a city in the state of ohio with a population of roughly 4,229. It is in Trumbull County, Ohio the Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Youngstown-Warren, OH-PA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 44437 .

Trends in Home Prices in McDonald, OH

McDonald is a small town located in the northeastern corner of Ohio. The population was just over 2,000 in 2010. McDonald is known for its agriculture and manufacturing industries, but it has also become a popular tourist destination thanks to its proximity to the Great Lakes and the many hiking and biking trails that run through the area.

Real estate in McDonald is primarily made up of small homes and apartments. The average home size is around 1,000 square feet, and there are not many large homes available for sale. The majority of properties are owned by individuals or families, but there are a few commercial properties available as well. The median price for residential property in McDonald was $105,000 in 2016, which is lower than the statewide median price of $130,000. Commercial property prices were much higher at $225,000 on average.

The most common type of real estate in McDonald is single-family homes. There are only a few multi-unit buildings available for sale, but they tend to be more expensive than single-family homes. The average price for a single-family home was $130,000 in 2016. There are also a few duplexes and triplexes available for sale on the market, but they tend to be much more expensive than single-family homes. The median price for a duplex was $160,000 while the median price for a triplex was $230,000.

The availability of real estate in McDonald depends largely on how popular the area becomes as a tourist destination or as an agricultural community. Right now there isn't much demand for larger homes or commercial properties because most people who live in McDonald commute to nearby cities or towns or work outside of town. However, if tourism becomes more popular then demand could increase for larger homes and commercial properties that can accommodate tourists visiting the area

Price Index: Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA

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