
Pomeroy, OH

Pomeroy is a city in the state of ohio with a population of roughly 6,796. It is in Meigs, Ohio Its Zip codes include 45769 .

Trends in Home Prices in Pomeroy, OH

Real estate in Pomeroy, OH is a hot commodity. With a population of just over 10,000 people, the town is located in Cuyahoga County and has an abundance of amenities that make it a desirable place to live. The town's location within Cleveland makes it easy to commute to work or school, and there are plenty of shopping and dining options available nearby.

The real estate market in Pomeroy is competitive, but there are many properties available for sale. Prices for homes range from around $100,000 to well over $1 million, with median prices hovering around $150,000. The town's proximity to major metropolitan areas makes it an attractive option for those looking for a suburban lifestyle with access to all the city has to offer.

The schools in Pomeroy are excellent and the community is friendly and welcoming. There are plenty of recreational opportunities available, including golf courses and tennis courts. The town also has a number of businesses that cater to residents' needs, such as banks and restaurants. Overall, Pomeroy is an excellent place to live and invest in real estate

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