
Saint Clairsville, OH

Saint Clairsville is a city in the state of ohio with a population of roughly 16,329. It is in Belmont County, Ohio the Wheeling, WV-OH core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 43950 .

The Price of Home in Saint Clairsville, OH

Saint Clairsville is a small town located in southwestern Ohio. The population was 10,898 as of the 2010 census. It is part of the Cincinnati metropolitan area.

The city's economy is based largely on its role as a bedroom community for Cincinnati and its suburbs. Manufacturing, retail, and health care are also important sectors of the local economy. Saint Clairsville has seen steady growth over the past few decades, with new housing developments and businesses springing up to meet demand.

Real estate in Saint Clairsville can be classified into three main categories: residential properties, commercial properties, and land parcels. Residential properties include single-family homes, townhomes/condos/apartments, and multi-unit dwellings such as apartments and condos. Commercial properties include businesses such as restaurants, stores, offices, and factories. Land parcels include undeveloped land or land that has been developed but not yet occupied by residents or businesses.

The median price of a home in Saint Clairsville was $161,000 in May 2017 according to data from Zillow . This represents an increase of 5% from the previous year's median price of $157,000 . The average list price for a home in Saint Clairsville during this time period was $202,500 . The city has seen an increase in home prices over the past few years due to an influx of new residents and an increase in demand for property due to its proximity to Cincinnati . In addition , there is limited inventory available for purchase which has driven up prices even further .

This trend appears to be reversing however; according to data from Zillow , the median price of a home in Saint Clairsville decreased by 2% between May 2017 and May 2018 . This decrease may be attributed to stricter lending criteria imposed by banks following the recent recession , low interest rates , and increased competition from other nearby cities .

Despite these fluctuations , overall prices continue to rise faster than inflation which makes real estate one of the most valuable assets available in Saint Clairsville .

In terms of location , Saint Clairsville offers residents access to many amenities that are not found elsewhere in southwestern Ohio including shopping malls (including Macy's at Fairfield Commons mall), major employers (such as Procter & Gamble ), medical facilities (such as University Hospital ), universities (including Miami University ), parks (including Veteran's Memorial Park ), golf courses (including Springdale Golf Club ), and more .

Price Index: Wheeling, WV-OH

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