
Wooster, OH

Wooster is a city in the state of ohio with a population of roughly 45,195. It is in Wayne County, Ohio the Wooster, OH core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 44691 .

Price Trends in Wooster, OH

Wooster is a small town in northeast Ohio with a population of just over 10,000. The town was founded in 1812 and is located about 40 miles east of Cleveland. Wooster is known for its historic architecture and its proximity to the Appalachian Mountains.

Real estate in Wooster is dominated by single-family homes, although there are a few multi-unit buildings scattered throughout the town. The average price for a single-family home in Wooster was $136,000 as of September 2017. The median price for a home in Wooster was $130,000, which is slightly higher than the statewide median price of $127,500. The cost of living in Wooster is relatively low compared to other larger cities in Ohio.

The most popular type of real estate in Wooster is single-family homes. As of September 2017, there were 1,521 single-family homes available for sale in the town. This represents an inventory vacancy rate of just 2%. In comparison, the statewide inventory vacancy rate was 5% as of September 2017.

The majority (86%) of homes currently available for sale in Wooster are detached homes. This compares favorably to the statewide average percentage of detached homes available for sale (84%). Approximately 6% percent of all homes currently available for sale are attached dwellings (condos or apartments).

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