
Lawton, OK

Lawton is a city in the state of oklahoma with a population of roughly 91,325. It is in Comanche County, Oklahoma the Lawton, OK core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 73505 ,73507 .

Trends in Home Prices in Lawton, OK

Real estate in Lawton, Oklahoma is a hot commodity. With an average temperature of 82 degrees Fahrenheit and a population of over 100,000 people, Lawton is a perfect place to live. The city has many amenities that make it an ideal place to raise a family, including excellent schools and plenty of recreational opportunities.

Lawton is also home to some of the best real estate in the state. There are plenty of homes for sale in Lawton, as well as condos and townhomes. The city's location makes it easy to access major metropolitan areas such as Tulsa and Oklahoma City.

The real estate market in Lawton is constantly changing, so there's always something new to see on the market. If you're looking for a property in Lawton, be sure to contact one of our experienced agents today!

Price Index: Lawton, OK

Zip codes in Lawton


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