
Nowata, OK

Nowata is a city in the state of oklahoma with a population of roughly 6,068. It is in Nowata, Oklahoma Its Zip codes include 74048 .

Price Trends in Nowata, Oklahoma

Nowata is a small town located in northeastern Oklahoma. The population was just over 2,000 in the 2010 census. The town is located on U.S. Highway 81, about halfway between Tulsa and Wichita Falls. Nowata is known for its oil and gas production, but it has also been a center of agriculture and livestock since the early days of settlement.

Real estate in Nowata is primarily composed of small farms and ranches that have been in the same family for many generations. There are a few larger tracts of land that have been developed recently, but most of the real estate is still undeveloped or used for pasture or farming purposes. The average lot size in Nowata is about half an acre, and prices for residential properties range from $25,000 to $75,000 per acre. Commercial properties are more expensive, with an average price tag of $100,000 per acre.

Nowata has a population that is mostly made up of farmers and ranchers who work on their own land or lease land from others. There are not many large businesses or commercial complexes in the town; most of the economic activity takes place outside of Nowata on U.S Highway 81 or Interstate 44. Because there are not many large businesses available to invest in or support, real estate prices tend to be lower than they would be if there were more economic activity available to support them. This means that nowadays it can be difficult to find good deals on residential property in Nowata; however, there are always opportunities for new development projects to come online that could increase demand for housing stock within the community

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