
Sutherlin, OR

Sutherlin is a city in the state of oregon with a population of roughly 9,710. It is in Douglas County, Oregon the Roseburg, OR core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 97479 .

Trends in Home Prices in Sutherlin, Oregon

Real estate in Sutherlin, Oregon is a hot commodity. The city has a population of just over 5,000 people and is located in the heart of the Rogue Valley. There are plenty of homes for sale in Sutherlin, but buyers will need to be prepared to spend a bit more than they would in other areas of the state.

The average home price in Sutherlin is $269,000, which is about $50,000 more than the statewide average. The city's popularity as a retirement destination may be one reason for this higher price tag; retirees often want to live close to amenities such as restaurants and shopping.

One downside to living in Sutherlin is that there isn't much room for growth. The city's population has been stagnant for many years and it's unlikely that this trend will change any time soon. This could make it difficult for residents to find new homes or apartments when they want them – something that could drive up prices even further.

Despite these limitations, real estate in Sutherlin remains an attractive option for those who are looking for a place to call home. The city's small size and high quality of life make it an ideal place to raise children or retire.

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