
Du Bois, PA

Du Bois is a city in the state of pennsylvania with a population of roughly 19,018. It is in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania the DuBois, PA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the State College-DuBois, PA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 15801 .

Trends in Home Prices in Du Bois, PA

Du Bois, Pennsylvania is a small town located in the heart of coal country. The population is just over 2,000 people and the median household income is just over $40,000. Du Bois has a population density of only about 10 people per square mile which makes it one of the most densely populated towns in Pennsylvania.

The real estate market in Du Bois is very competitive. There are only a handful of homes that are available for sale and they usually sell within a few weeks. The average home price in Du Bois is about $130,000 which makes it one of the more affordable towns in Pennsylvania.

The main source of income in Du Bois comes from coal mining and manufacturing. However, due to the decline in coal mining and manufacturing, many jobs have been lost in Du Bois over the past few years. This has led to a lot of unemployment and poverty in Du Bois.

Despite these challenges, there are some good things happening in Du Bois. The town has been attracting new businesses and residents because it has such a low cost of living and great quality of life. There are also a lot of opportunities for education and entrepreneurship here because there aren't many other options available for people who want to live near coal mines or factories.

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