
Johnstown, PA

Johnstown is a city in the state of pennsylvania with a population of roughly 66,227. It is in Cambria County, Pennsylvania the Johnstown, PA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Johnstown-Somerset, PA combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 15909 ,15906 .

Price Trends in Johnstown, PA

Real estate in Johnstown, Pennsylvania is a hot commodity. The city has seen a resurgence in recent years, with new businesses and homes popping up all over. There are plenty of options for buyers and sellers alike, making it an ideal place to invest in real estate.

The city is located in the heart of Cambria County, just minutes from the main population centers of Johnstown and Altoona. It's surrounded by beautiful countryside that makes for great weekend getaways or long-term living options. There are plenty of neighborhoods to choose from, each with its own unique character and features.

Johnstown is home to several major employers, including Alcoa Inc., PPG Industries Inc., US Steel Corp., and Westinghouse Electric Corporation. These companies have helped drive the economy forward over the past few years, creating jobs for residents and attracting new businesses to the area.

There are many different types of real estate available in Johnstown, from single family homes to apartments and condos. The city has a wide range of prices, making it easy for buyers to find something they can afford. There's also a lot of inventory available so there's always something available for sale.

If you're looking to buy or sell property in Johnstown, PA contact us today! We'll help you find what you're looking for and make sure your transaction goes smoothly

Price Index: Johnstown, PA

Zip codes in Johnstown


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