
Cookeville, TN

Cookeville is a city in the state of tennessee with a population of roughly 69,735. It is in Putnam County, Tennessee the Cookeville, TN core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 38506 ,38501 .

Price Trends in Cookeville, TN

When people think of Cookeville, Tennessee, real estate is probably the first thing that comes to mind. The city is home to a number of beautiful homes and estates, as well as some of the most affordable real estate in the entire state. In fact, Cookeville is one of the top ten cities in Tennessee for buying a home.

One reason why Cookeville is such a great place to buy a home is that it has a relatively low population density. This means that there are plenty of homes available for sale, and buyers can find whatever they're looking for without having to deal with too many other people. Additionally, Cookeville's location makes it an ideal place to live. It's close enough to major cities like Nashville and Memphis but far enough away so that you can enjoy peace and quiet.

If you're looking for something unique in terms of real estate options, Cookeville may be just what you're looking for. There are plenty of beautiful homes available here, but if you're looking for something more unusual or unique than what's available on the market, you'll definitely have no problem finding it here. In fact, one of the best things about living in Cookeville is that there's always something new happening in the city – whether it's new construction projects or events taking place at local venues – so there's always something exciting going on!

Zip codes in Cookeville


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