
Burnet, TX

Burnet is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 12,921. It is in Burnet, Texas Its Zip codes include 78611 .

Price Trends in Burnet, TX

Burnet is a small town located in Williamson County, Texas. The population was 2,814 at the 2010 census. Burnet is known for its agricultural and oil production industries. The town was founded in 1881 and incorporated in 1901.

Real estate in Burnet is dominated by single-family homes and duplexes. There are also a few apartments and condos available, but they are not as common as in larger cities. The median price of a home in Burnet was $159,900 in September 2017.

The most popular type of real estate in Burnet is single-family homes. These homes typically range from 1,000 to 2,500 square feet and cost between $130,000 and $250,000 to purchase. Duplexes are also popular in Burnet; they can be purchased for between $120,000 and $200,000 and typically have two bedrooms and one bathroom. Condos are not as common in Burnet as they are elsewhere in the United States; however, there are a few that can be found for around $175,000.

One reason why real estate prices are high in Burnet is because of the low unemployment rate here: only 3% of the population is unemployed compared to 6% nationwide. Additionally, Williamson County has one of the lowest poverty rates in Texas: only 8% of residents live below the poverty line compared to 21% statewide. This means that there is plenty of demand for housing here despite relatively low incomes.

Some potential drawbacks to living in Burnet include its small size (only about 10 square miles) and its lack of amenities such as stores or restaurants downtown. However, these issues can be easily overcome by using public transportation or by living close to other areas with more amenities (such as Austin). Overall, Burnet offers homeownership opportunities that are not available elsewhere at similar prices or with similar benefits

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