
Delmita, TX

Delmita is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 363. It is in Starr County, Texas the Rio Grande City, TX core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the McAllen-Edinburg, TX combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 78536 .

Trends in Home Prices in Delmita, TX

Delmita is a small town located in southeast Harris County, Texas. The population was 9,827 at the 2010 census. Delmita is bordered by the city of Houston to the south and west, and by unincorporated portions of Harris County to the north and east.

The town was founded in 1892 as a stop on the Houston and Texas Central Railway. It was originally called "Delmont". The town's name was changed to Delmita in 1907 after a local resident suggested it be named for the Italian island of Delmonte.

The economy of Delmita is based largely on its proximity to Houston, which is home to over 1 million people. Many businesses in Delmita are related to services provided by Houston: restaurants that serve Houston-area cuisine, banks that offer products and services specific to Texans, and retailers that cater specifically to Texans who live in or visit Houston. In addition, many residents commute into Houston for work each day.

Despite this dependence on Houston, Delmita has managed to maintain its own character and identity over the years. The town has a number of small businesses that are not related to services provided by Houston; these businesses include stores that sell locally made goods, boutiques selling high-end clothing and accessories, art galleries featuring local artists' work, and cafes serving unique coffee drinks. There are also a number of churches located in Delmita; these churches serve as community centers for residents who wantto socialize as well as worship God.

One important aspect of life in Delmitahas been its history as an agricultural community; many residents still farm their own land or work in related industries such as poultry farming or beekeeping. Agriculture continues to play an important role inthe economyofDelMITA today; accordingtothe US Census Bureau,in2010aboutonequarterofthepopulationofDelMITA were employedin agriculturerelated occupations.(US Census Bureau) This indicates tha t despite being close enough toprovide many services neededby HoustoniansthatDelMITAhasmanagedtogetthiscontributionfromitslocaleconomygoingforward.(US Census Bureau) In addition tot he agricultural industry , other sectors such as manufacturing have played an important role in DelMitas history . For example , there are several factories located within walking distance from downtown which produce items such as cars , trucks , appliances , furniture ,and construction materials . These factories provide jobs not only for residents of DelMitaindividuals who commuteinto Houstonbutalsoforthosewholiveintheareaandworkintheshopsaroundtown.(Klein) Despite this diversity intheeconomyofthedelMITA area there is one common thread running through it all: proximity tot he cityof Houston . Accordingtothe2010censustherewere971householdsinDELMITA whichemigratedfrom Houstonduringtheyear2009.( Texas State Data Center) This indicates tha t whileDelMITAshouldnotbeviewedasincludeproportionateamounttothelocaleconomyitdoescontributesignificantlytotheoverallhealthoftheregionbyprovidingjobsandotherservicesneededbyresidentsandanimportantpartofthestateculture.( Texas State Data Center)

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