
Eagle Pass, TX

Eagle Pass is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 57,159. It is in Maverick County, Texas the Eagle Pass, TX core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 78852 .

The Price of Home in Eagle Pass, TX

Eagle Pass is a city located in the Eagle Pass-Palo Duro Canyon region of the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, the population was 21,898. The city is adjacent to the Mexican border and has a strong trade and tourism relationship with its neighbor to the south. Eagle Pass is known for its high-quality agricultural products, including cattle, cotton, grapes, and wheat. It also has a significant oil production industry.

Real estate in Eagle Pass is dominated by single-family homes and apartments/condos; there are few commercial properties available for sale or lease. The median home price in Eagle Pass was $124,500 in January 2016 according to Zillow data; this figure has increased significantly over recent years as demand from both domestic and international buyers has increased. In addition to single-family homes and apartments/condos, real estate in Eagle Pass includes a limited number of commercial properties (including retail stores and restaurants).

The majority of residents in Eagle Pass commute to work within the city limits; however, due to its close proximity to Mexico City (approximately an hour away by car), many residents also commute into Mexico City for work each day. As a result, unemployment rates are generally lower than average in Eagle Pass; however, due to the high demand for housing within the city limits combined with limited availability of property on which to build new homes (due primarily to zoning restrictions), unemployment rates can be relatively high during periods of low housing construction activity (such as currently). In addition, many businesses located within Eagle Pass rely heavily on cross-border trade; as such, any disruption or slowdown in cross-border trade could have significant impacts on local businesses (and consequently job opportunities).

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