
Fowlerton, TX

Fowlerton is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 273. It is in La Salle, Texas Its Zip codes include 78021 .

Trends in Home Prices in Fowlerton, TX

Fowlerton is a small town located in Wise County, Texas. The population was 1,871 at the 2010 census. Fowlerton is known for its agricultural production and its proximity to Dallas. The town was founded in 1892 by J.W. Fowlerton and named after his son, Foulke Fowlerton.

The history of real estate in Fowlerton can be traced back to the early days of the town's development when land was available for purchase at a fraction of the cost compared to larger cities such as Dallas. In 1902, J.W. Fowlerton purchased 160 acres of land just north of what is now downtown Fowlerton for $2,000 and began developing it into a small community with homes, businesses and churches. By 1904, there were already 20 homes on the property and by 1910 there were 100 homes in the community.

As the town grew, so did its need for housing; by 1920 there were 300 homes in the community and by 1930 there were 600 homes on the market. The Great Depression hit hard during this time period and many people lost their jobs; as a result, home sales decreased significantly throughout Wise County during this time period. However, beginning in 1939 things began to change for the better; World War II had ended and people were starting to return to their normal lives which led to an increase in home sales throughout Wise County including in Fowlerton.

In recent years real estate has continued to be an important part of life in Fowlerton; according to statistics from Zillow®, between 2007-2017 median home prices increased 116% while median household income only increased 10%. This indicates that many people are still looking for affordable housing options within close proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Dallas while also maintaining a high standard of living.

There are several factors that contribute towards this trend including:

-The growth of technology has led many people who would have previously lived outside of a major city or suburb now want access to those same amenities without having to live far away from work or family;

-The availability of affordable housing has made it possible for more families - particularly those with lower incomes -to live within close proximity to major metropolitan areas without having too much difficulty affording monthly mortgage payments;

-The increasing popularity of smaller towns across America has led more people who are looking for suburban living options without having too much trouble travelling into downtowns or other commercial districts via public transportation or carpooling;

-And finally, zoning laws have been changed over time so that more properties are zoned residential instead commercial which makes it easier for developers who want build new residential properties rather than businesses that may require additional parking spaces or other commercial amenities (such as restaurants).

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