
Fred, TX

Fred is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 511. It is in Tyler, Texas Its Zip codes include 77616 .

Trends in Home Prices in Fred, TX

The real estate market in Fred, TX is very active and growing. There are many homes for sale as well as condos and townhomes for sale. The median home price in Fred is $132,000 and the median condo price is $130,000. The average list price for a single family home is $169,900 while the average list price for a condo or townhome is $157,500.

There are many reasons why people are buying or selling homes in Fred. Some people are moving to Fred from other parts of the country and want to buy a home here so they can be close to their families. Other people may have owned a home in Fred for many years and decided it was time to sell their home and move into a new one. Regardless of the reason someone is buying or selling a home, there are always plenty of options available on the market.

The real estate market in Fred has been growing steadily over the past few years due to several factors including population growth, low interest rates, and strong economic conditions. Many people who live in Fred commute to work in nearby cities such as Austin or Dallas but still want access to good schools and amenities that Fred has to offer. This has led to an increase in demand for homes near downtown Fred which have become more expensive over time as more high-end properties come onto the market.

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