
Mason, TX

Mason is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 3,735. It is in Mason, Texas Its Zip codes include 76856 .

Trends in Home Prices in Mason, TX

Mason, TX is a small town located in Williamson County. The population of Mason was just over 1,000 as of the 2010 census. Mason is known for its agricultural and ranching industries, but it has also become a popular destination for real estate investors and homeowners.

The real estate market in Mason is very competitive. There are a limited number of homes available for sale, and many of those homes are already occupied. The median home price in Mason was $129,900 as of September 2016. However, the average home price in Mason has increased significantly over the past few years, reaching an estimated $169,000 as of September 2016.

One reason why the average home price in Mason is so high is because there are a limited number of homes available for sale. In addition, many of those homes are located in desirable neighborhoods with good schools and access to amenities like shopping and recreation facilities. As a result, buyers who want to purchase a home in Mason typically have to be prepared to pay a high price tag.

Despite the high cost of housing in Mason, there are still some affordable options available if you're looking for a starter home or an investment property. The median monthly rent prices in Mason were $1,050 as of September 2016. Additionally, there are plenty of rental properties available that fall within budget constraints if you're not looking to buy outright – especially if you're willing to live in an area that's not considered ideal by most people."

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