
Milam, TX

Milam is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 994. It is in Sabine, Texas Its Zip codes include 75959 .

Trends in Home Prices in Milam, TX

Milam is a small town located in Williamson County, Texas. The population of Milam was just over 2,000 as of the 2010 census. Milam is home to several businesses and institutions, including a bank, post office, and several churches. The town's main attraction is its historic downtown district.

The history of real estate in Milam can be traced back to the early days of the town's development. In 1892, J.C. Penney opened his first store in Milam and quickly became a major player in the local economy. Over time, other businesses followed suit and Milam developed into a thriving commercial center. Today, the downtown district remains an important part of the community and is home to several popular restaurants and stores.

Real estate in Milam is generally priced comparably to other areas of Williamson County. However, due to its small size and limited inventory, prices for homes in Milam are often more affordable than those found in larger towns nearby. Additionally, due to its central location within Williamson County, property values in Milam tend to be higher than they are elsewhere on the outskirts of the county.

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