
Putnam, TX

Putnam is a city in the state of texas with a population of roughly 93. It is in Callahan County, Texas the Abilene, TX core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 76469 .

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Putnam is a small town located in Williamson County, Texas. The population was 2,811 at the 2010 census. Putnam is home to the Putnam County Courthouse and the Putnam County Jail.

The history of Putnam can be traced back to 1838 when John W. Moore and his wife, Elizabeth, settled on a tract of land near present-day Putnam. Moore had come from Kentucky and was one of the first settlers in what would become Williamson County. He built a cabin on his land and began farming.

In 1849, Moore sold his land to James Sowell and John A. Browning for $1,000 each. The two men established a trading post on the site that became known as Sowell's Fort. In 1850, Sowell sold his interest in the fort to Browning and moved away. The fort continued to operate until 1854 when it was destroyed by fire caused by an Indian attack on nearby settlers.[1]

In 1855, Browning sold his interest in Sowell's Fort to Jesse Bledsoe and David Gentry for $2,500 each.[2] Bledsoe and Gentry established a store at the fort which they called Bledsoe & Gentry's Store.[3] The store remained open until 1865 when it was burned down by Confederate soldiers during the Civil War.[4]

In 1865, Bledsoe & Gentry reopened their store under new ownership as Jethro Tullis & Co.[5] Tullis ran the store until 1870 when he sold it to Elijah Hargrave.[6] Hargrave operated Hargrave's Store until 1880 when he sold it to Nathan Fouts.[7] Fouts operated Fouts' Store until 1886 when he retired and handed over management of the business to his son-in-law,[8] William Clements.[9] Clements ran Clements' Store until 1895 when he retired due to ill health[10]. In 1896,[11], Jeptha Dickson purchased Clements' Store from William Clements[12]. Dickson operated Dickson's Store until 1907[13], at which time he retired due to ill health again[14]. In 1908,[15], Charles Ewing purchased Dickson's Store from Jeptha Dickson[16]. Ewing operated Ewing's Store until 1917,[17], at which time he retired due to ill health again[18]. In 1918,[19], Leland Pritchett purchased Ewing's Store from Charles Ewing[20]. Pritchett operated Pritchett's Store until 1931,[21], at which time he retired due to ill health again[22]. In 1932,[23], Harry Ladd purchased Pritchett'sStore from Leland Pritchett[24]. Ladd operated Ladds' Groceryuntil 1942whenheretireddue tothedefeatofWorldWarIIandtheconsequencesoftheGreatDepression;thestorewassoldtoWalterReedin1946whooperatedLadds'Groceryuntil1966whenitwasclosedbyhisson-in-lawDonnyDixonwhoopenedDonnyDixonsGroceryonthesitein1967

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