
Randolph, UT

Randolph is a city in the state of utah with a population of roughly 969. It is in Rich, Utah Its Zip codes include 84064 .

Randolph Home Prices Continue to Rise

Randolph is a small town located in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah. The population was just over 1,000 people in 2010. Randolph is known for its beautiful scenery and its close proximity to ski resorts and other outdoor activities.

Real estate in Randolph is primarily made up of single-family homes and condos. The median price for a single-family home was $269,500 in 2010, while the median price for a condo was $130,000. The average size of a single-family home in Randolph was 2,898 square feet, while the average size of a condo was 1,927 square feet.

The most popular type of real estate in Randolph is single-family homes. In 2010, there were 548 single-family homes available for sale in Randolph. The majority (191) of these homes were sold within the first six months of availability; this indicates that there is strong demand for residential property in Randolph.

The top three reasons that people buy or rent property in Randolph are to live close to family or friends (30%), to be near outdoor activities (24%) and to have access to excellent schools (21%).

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