Prescott is a city in the state of wisconsin with a population of roughly 6,659. It is in Pierce County, Wisconsin the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 54021 .
Prescott is a city in Yavapai County, Arizona, United States. The population was 94,821 at the 2010 census. Prescott is the county seat of Yavapai County. The city is named after General George Crook, who fought in the Mexican–American War and served as a U.S. Army officer in the Apache Wars before becoming a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War.
The city of Prescott was founded on April 6, 1864 by John Wesley Powell and his party of nine men: Charles Poston (a Mormon missionary), Edwin Bryant (a civilian guide), Alpheus Cutler (an artist and naturalist), James Clyman (a civilian cook), John Dunn (an engineer with the U.S. Topographical Engineers), Richard Kern (a civilian hunter and trapper) and James Whitehead (Powell's assistant). They had been exploring canyons in northern Arizona when they discovered an easy route down into what would become Prescott from Glen Canyon National Recreation Area some to the east. Upon their arrival on April 10, 1864 they found an abandoned military outpost called Fort Whipple that had been established by Colonel Edward Sibley two years earlier to protect settlers from Apache raids into New Mexico Territory; it was now deserted except for four soldiers who were guarding cattle pens outside of town. Powell named their new settlement after General Crook, with whom he had served during the Mexican–American War and who later became commander of all Union forces in Arizona Territory during Reconstruction following President Andrew Johnson's impeachment in 1868; Crook also played a significant role in defeating Cochise at Ojo Caliente on March 26, 1871 which ended Apache resistance to white settlement throughout much of southern Arizona and New Mexico Territory for more than 25 years thereafter.
Prescott grew slowly at first because most of its early settlers were either army officers or members of Brigham Young's Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who were moving out west to establish new settlements free from persecution by anti-Mormon mobs; as such there were few jobs available for civilians other than those involved directly with agriculture or construction work related to building roads, fortifications or other public infrastructure necessary for establishing a functioning community in an isolated location far from any major population center. However, beginning around 1870 Prescott began to experience rapid growth as waves of new settlers arrived seeking jobs in mining operations being established nearby along the Little Colorado River Valley as well as opportunities provided by burgeoning railroads that were quickly extending their reach into central Arizona Territory linking it increasingly with markets elsewhere across America; this rapid growth continued through most of the 20th century resulting in Prescott becoming one of America's fastest growing cities during that time period despite experiencing occasional economic downturns related to various cycles affecting virtually every industry including mining, railroads and manufacturing which have since largely disappeared from local economies altogether leaving only service industries such as tourism remaining today.
Today Prescott is considered one of America's premier tourist destinations due primarily to its beautiful scenery including mountains, forests and lakes located within close proximity to downtown which makes it easy for visitors to explore both on foot or by bicycle; moreover many historic buildings located within downtown including several examples listed on the National Register Of Historic Places are open for tours providing visitors with insights into life during different periods throughout history including pioneer days up until recent decades when suburbanization began transforming much rural areas throughout America leading many people formerly living near downtowns now residing miles away from any major population center rendering them essentially "bedroom communities" rather than true "towns" anymore similar to how many small villages located within ancient Greek citystates such as Athens used to be prior to their incorporation into larger polis empires like Sparta or Rome where citizens enjoyed relatively high levelsof social mobility regardless whether they belonged exclusivelyto one particular social class or not unlike how things are today mostly limitedto affluent suburbs located outside large metropolitan areas where socioeconomic status is largely determinedby income rather than birthlocation:
In short while there are certainly numerousadvantages associatedwith livingin a suburban environment such as convenienceand accessibilityto various typesof retail storesand servicesalong with reducedtraffic congestionand lowercostsassociatedwith owning/livingin a single-family home comparedto livingin an urban settingsuchas greatermobilityoptionsincluding being abletoworkfromhomeorcommuteintomainstreamcitiesforemploymentratherthanresidinginthesuburbswheremostjobsarerelativelylocalizedwithindistantruralareasfarfrommetropolitancenterswheremostpeoplestillliveinsingle-familyhomesratherthanmixed-use developmentscontainingbothresidentialandcommercialpropertiessimilartothemiddleclass neighborhoodsfoundintherestoftheworldwheremostresidentscomprisemembersoftheworkingclassratherthantheupperclasslikewhatyou'llfindinthestatesofAmerica'spopulationtodayrealestateinprescottwiisgenerallypricedhigherthanaveragerelativetotherestoftheworlddueprimarilytothespecialcharacteristicsofthelocaleconomywhichincludes:
1) Prescott occupies apopulatedregioncontainingseveralmillionacresofpubliclandwhichmakesitoneofthefewplacesintheworldwhereyoucaneasilyfindacommunitythatbelongstothepublicratherthantotheprivatesector2) Prescottislocatednearsthan200millionpeoplewhohaveaccesstocommercialairlinesystemsandthereforehasoneofthehighestpopulation densitiesintheworld3) Prescottislocatednearsthan500millionpeoplewhohaveaccesstocommercialwater systemsandsixthhighestpopulationdensityintheworld4) PrescotterspendingmoremoneyonretailstoresthantanyoneelseintheUStwoestcountries5)TherearemorebusinessesestablishedincitylimitsfortwentyfourhoursperiodafterdarkthantanyplaceelseintheUStwoestcountry
Price Index: Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI