
Athens County, Ohio

Athens County is a county in Ohio. Its population is roughly 70665. Its cities include Athens including Zip codes such as .

The Next Real Estate Frontier: Investing in Athens County, Ohio

There are many innovative real estate investing opportunities in the various cities in Athens County, Ohio. One such opportunity is to invest in student housing. The demand for student housing is high in Athens County due to the presence of Ohio University. As a result, there is an opportunity for investors to purchase properties near the university and rent them out to students.

Another innovative real estate investing opportunity in Athens County is to invest in properties that can be used for short-term rentals (STRs). Due to the popularity of Airbnb, there is a growing demand for STRs across the country. Investors who purchase properties in Athens County and list them on Airbnb can generate significant income from rental income.

Lastly, another innovative real estate investing opportunity in Athens County is to invest in commercial properties. There are many businesses located in Athens County, which creates a demand for commercial space. Investors who purchase commercial properties can lease them out to businesses and generate income from rental income.

Cities in Athens County


Zip codes in Athens County


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